How do you become an Android developer?
If you want to build an application so you have required a deep knowledge of programming and design. You add new technology to an application for the first time you should break it into pieces. You are a web developer you will have to know many technologies because making an Android app used many technologies. The mobile device has smaller screens, similar processors.
How I will become an Android developer- below I will discuss what you need to become the best Android App developer.
1. JAVA: — JAVA is the programming language that underpins all Android Development. JAVA, JavaScript, and Ruby is the Object-oriented programming language. Is very stricter to handle a data type. The developer is very thoughtful with their code and the whole JAVA is very important for developing an Android Application. You can’t hold an ambiguity in a mobile environment.
2. ANDROID SDK: — SDK stand for Software development kit is very helpful for developing a code because this kit provides a pre-packaged code. Android SDK is a module of JAVA code this function allows developer access to device functions like Camera and Accelerometer. One key Component of Android SDK is a library called Cradle.
3. UNDERSTANDING OF XML: — XML stand for extensive markup language XML is a standard way to encode data in the structured format. You can add many features in the common HTML tag and this whole process is very important for making an Application. The developer uses XML for making Android Application layout according to UI. A developer can also write JAVA code for developing a standard format of apps.
4. ANDROID STUDIO: — Android Studio creates a developing environment for the developer and this studio is very helpful for the developer. Android Studio has a full feature and these all feature is very helpful for developing an Application. There are provide many features for memory and the CPU is made capable of running your apps on the mobile. Android studio is a must for Android developers.
5. APIS: — API stands for Application Programming Interface without API you can’t make the best apps for users. Using API you can add many other additional features in your mobile and these all process is very helpful. Using API you can interact with many other services. Every product and service-based company provide an API for example if you make an online ticket booking apps you can use API and these you manage all possible way.